Great game, but...
It had its flaws.
At a certain point, where it just got to hectic for my little Hank to handle, it took a while for him to react to my controls. Walking, shooting, jumping, it all got delayed by almost 3 seconds, so it became impossible to play well. (Still finished it without turrets though).
Then there was the 'floor tilting'. On some points, where the room decided to throw everything from left to right, Hank decided to shoot the ceiling, or the floor. He didn't really aim where I told him to aim.
Of course, the 'only shooting 1 enemy at the time' part, got a bit frustrating. The only thing you can do about that, is hoping that you run out of bullets, so you can punch the fuckers. (which didn't damage 1 guy at the time, but the whole lot standing in front of you).
Which now takes me to the most annoying, and irritating part of the game.
Auto, weapon, pick up... There were plenty of times, where I just wanted to walk around, and punch some mother fuckers, when Hank decided to pick up a flame-thrower. (Weakest weapon if you ask me). The auto weapon pick up was MORE THAN irritating, and it got me frustrated quite some times. It would be better if you would just pick up a weapon on the press of a button, instead of doing it automatically. At least, that's my opinion.
Other that that, I absolutely loved playing this game! The art and animation was great, the music was very fitting, there was enough action, and I like the fact that I was able to keep playing, after completing 40 levels.
Of course, after that, I bought all turrets and max'd them out. Which was actually not THAT helpful, unless you were fighting zombies.
It kinda just made things lag more, and made Hank to whatever he felt like doing. Hehe.
But all in all, I really enjoyed it.
Good job I'd say!